Humans Cannot Have Certain Knowledge, and Considerations of that Fact

HUMANS CANNOT HAVE CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE A problem in epistemology, Munchausen's Trilema demonstrates that any theory of knowledge, including in mathematics, science and logic, cannot be certain and that no human beliefs, theories or models can ultimately be proven certain. Baron von Munchausen was a teller of tall tales and fantastical arguments, including that he impossibly … Continue reading Humans Cannot Have Certain Knowledge, and Considerations of that Fact

How Being Bipolar and Autistic Has Influenced My Work in Philosophy and Cognitive Science

“There is much in the universe we will never know, and it is equally certain that we will never know all that we do not know.”--  Joseph Silk, Gresham Professor of Astrophysics, Oxford University . As a longtime scholar who has also written about being Type I bipolar and on the autistic spectrum, I was … Continue reading How Being Bipolar and Autistic Has Influenced My Work in Philosophy and Cognitive Science